Arleen M.
A little bit of Heaven
A little bit of Hell
Anyone who visits the PAC will admit, I think, to witnessing a little bit of Heaven..... healthy, happy, (yes, sometimes shy) kitties interacting with humans in a beautiful, safe haven eagerly hoping to find their forever home, their one family, their own person. Sometimes to get to this point we (STH) may, unfortunately, first witness a version of Hell.... injuries, illnesses, abuse, neglect, abandonment.
STH sees the need, heeds the call, and rushes in.... rescues, loves, heals, saves.... giving a second chance for love and life to helpless, voiceless animals.
No expense or sacrifice is spared... monetary, emotional, nor physical.
Tears are shed, hearts ache (sometimes break), sleep is lost.
But STH hearts are large and energy and love unending.
All that needs to be done and given IS.... selflessly. Not for recognition, not for a pat on the back, but strictly, solely for the animal in need.
I volunteer at STH for these and so many other reasons, but simply and briefly put.... if one loves animals, as I do, if one wants to help animals, as I do, if one loves seeing animals happy, as I do, I think one cannot help but love STH and what it does, as I do.
Thank you, STH.