“It was back in April that his image of needing help instantly had an impact on me… to do something.
We decided to take him sight unseen… and when I met him at the vet, I remember the condition he was in, how he smelled of infection… and how on the exam table he purred.
I had a decision to make… to end his suffering or try. Why I went against our vets’ advice, I don’t know… maybe because of a natural tendency to humanize animals, which places me in the mindset of ‘if that were me, I’d want someone to try, to exhaust all options.’
And so his journey began. Within such a short amount of time, Victor stole my heart and frankly everyone else’s. It’s that face for sure…but actually it’s his spirit. If you love animals like I do, you just know when you’ve met a good one.
He epitomizes the work STH does.
It’s not about me… it’s about Victor… and that face… and that spirit.”
(Victor, rescued 2018, adopted 2021)
“What right do we have to do nothing about it?” – STH