Help Us Keep Saving Animals
Let’s just cut right to the chase. The entire world is dealing with a pandemic.
For the good of our community’s health, we are cancelling this year’s Golf Outing. We feel it’s the socially responsible thing to do.
As hard times hit, the most vulnerable seem to get hit the worst. The number of animals in need of saving has escalated during these difficult times. They need us more than ever because of the pandemic.
There will be no event, but make no mistake about it… we are still wearing our fun, sassy golf pants. This is no time to give up on our mission, or to succumb to the belief that we can’t salvage our fundraising events during these unprecedented times. The worst of times is when people press on and come together.
We must continue to raise funds or we will not be able to sustain our programs and fulfill our mission. So far this year we have rescued 157 animals and spent about $110,000 in animal care. We need to raise funds to continue helping animals in need.
Here is a little snapshot of 2020 so far:
- Our Spring Yard Sale was cancelled. Last year it brought in $17,000. We held an online walk/run and with the support of many, we recouped the lost revenue and then some with $35,000 donated.
- The summer Wyandotte Art & Street Fair was cancelled. Last year we made about $5,000 at that event. We held a unique online raffle and recouped the lost revenue by making over $7,000.
- Our normal fun online pledge events that focus on professional sport teams like the Tigers and Lions are not happening. Collectively they usually bring in thousands of dollars. We are running a bottle drive to recoup the lost revenue, and are working on taking back the mountain of returnables.
And now our biggest fundraiser is cancelled. Our lost revenue is about $30,000 based on last year’s net profit. We will not allow COVID-19 to be the end of our organization. We must rise up.
We have nothing fancy up our sleeves this time. This is simply an appeal for support. Help us stay afloat until this crisis is over. We will come back stronger than before the pandemic. We have many more lives to save and we can’t do it without you.
Please consider donating the amount you were going to spend sponsoring or coming to the outing. If you’ve joined us in the past, put on your sassy golf pants and remember some of the best moments of our past ten outings. We hope those memories will ignite your past feelings of doing good for a good cause, and you will still support us despite the cancellation.
Let’s show the world that even during a pandemic, together we can still do something. Because what right do we have to do nothing about it?
P.S. Please mark your calendar for next year’s outing – September 11, 2021. We will make it the best yet!
Shelter to Home is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. All donations are tax-deductible. Our EIN is 20-8433573. You can download our 501(c)(3) approval letter here.